English Quiz Test 10 Start your test Q1. He should be alive ............ the consequences of his wrong doings. for to off with None Q2. He abstains ......... wine. for from on with None Q3. He is zealous .......... the popularity of games. with for in after None Q4. He yeans ............ true friends. to with for after None Q5. They trembled ........... fear at the sight of the lion. in with of after None Q6. This river teems ........... fish. for in with to None Q7. He complains ........... headache. of off from about None Q8. A person who hates mankind: philanthropist misanthropist nihilist scholar None Q9. A hater of learning or knowledge: misogynist misologist ingenious scholar None Q10. A person who talks too much: silent serious loquacious fastidious None Q11. A cat differs ....... a dog. with from for in None Q12. Pick the correct word: Logical Linguist Philologist All of above None Q13. He is completely involved .......... his family affairs. in on with over None Q14. I am indebted .......... you for this kind of fevour. with for to in None Q15. You should not indulge ......... idle talks. on over about in None Q16. She is hopeful ......... her success in the CSSS examination. in by of on None Q17. He introduced me ....... his boss. from to for in None Q18. We must not jeer ........ others. on with at in None Q19. He is jealous .......... my promotion. in with for of None Q20. She is always busy .......... her work. upon on with of None Q21. Pick the wrong word. Inevitable Doubtfful Wavering Opaque None Q22. Killing of one's oneself: suicide stoic genocide nihilism None Q23. Communication between mind and mind: telephone armistice telepathy tell-tale None Q24. One who talks too much: quite garrulous pregnable illogical None Q25. The Vice-President was invited to give ............ prizes to the winner. on of upon away None Time's upTime is Up!