English Quiz Test 1 Start your test Q1. Which word best express the meaning of BARBARIAN Unkind Impolite Unlikeness Uncivilised None Q2. The word best express the meaning of BEMOAN Lament Soothe Denounce Loathe None Q3. Which of the following word best express the meaning of HAGGLE Crisis Impeach Ignore Bargain None Q4. The nearst word of CONNOISSEUR bearing similar meaning is Lover of art Ignorant Stubborn Violent None Q5. Find the suitable word close to the word ZENITH Middle Under Pinnacle Nadir None Q6. Choose the word nearest in meaning to AMBITION Plan Proclamation Desire Decision None Q7. Choose nearest maning of TAINT Soil Stain Dirty Corrupt None Q8. Which word is more less synonym of ABLE Not able Not worthy Ability Capable None Q9. I believe in the unity of God. Here 'Unity' means Uniqueness Oneness University Universal None Q10. Choose the word nearest in meaning to CONCEAL Unfold Reveal Open Discover None Q11. Find nearest meaning of IMPASSE Stalemate Impossibility Difficulty Confrontation None Q12. Select the word with the Most Similar in meaning to HERALDED Suspected Publicised Dragged Objective None Q13. Find nearest meaning of OUTWEIGHT Surpass Preish Venture Control None Q14. Choose the word wich is most nearly the same in meaning of SCUTTLE Delay Mix Shuffle Destroy None Q15. Find the Nearest meaning of SPURRED Instigated Prompted Reflected Agitated None Q16. The Synonym of Abate is: Lessen Essence Boast None of these None Q17. The Synonym of Abbreviation: Medium Form Long Form Short Form None of these None Q18. The Synonym of Abdicate: Harass Disperse To Resign None of these None Q19. The Synonym of Abolish: Do away with Carry Away Complete None of these None Q20. The Synonym of Abundant: Excess Lean Access None of these None Time's upTime is Up!