Computer Science Quiz Test 9 Start your test Q1. A hard disk becomes totally inaccessible when a computer virus corrupts its: A.Partition Table B.File Allocation Table (FAT) C.Route directory D.Boot sector None Q2. What is the name of the professor who coined the name virus for self replicating programs? A.John von Neumann B.Ken Thompson C.John MCafee D.Fred Cohen None Q3. Microprocessors were introduced first time in A.2nd generation computers B.3rd generation computers C.4th generation computers D.5th generation computers None Q4. Our personal computer belongs to A.2nd generation of computers B.3rd generation of computers C.4th generation of computers D.None Of these None Q5. Optical device was used in which of the following computers for the first time. A.3rd generation computers B.1st generation computers C.Microcomputer generation D.No computer generation as yet None Q6. The idea of computers with thinking power was initiated in A.5th generation computers B.4th generation computers C.No computer generation supports that idea D.3rd generation computers None Q7. Hybrid computer is A. An analog computer B. A digital computer C. Pascal calculator D. Combination of analog and digital computer None Q8. The interface between user and computer is A.Programming B.Hardware C.Memory D.Microprocessor None Q9. BASIC stands for A.Basic Assembly Symbols for Instruction Code B.Beginner's Assembler Symbols for Interpreter Code C.Basic Assembler System for Instruction Compilation D.Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code None Q10. The input for a compiler is A.Object code B.Source program C.Machine language D.Assembler None Q11. The output of a compiler is A.Object code B.Source program C.Machine language D.Assembler None Q12. The input of an interpreter is A.Object code B.Source program C.Machine language D.Program statement None Q13. The capacity of computer bus depends upon A.Capacity of CPU B.Capacity of the microprocessor C.The number of data lines it contains D.The system software None Q14. Computer buses are as (a) (b) m A.Data and control B.Address and data C.Address, data and control D.There is no concept of buses in computer system None Q15. A bus with 32 data line can transport how many bits at a time A. 8 bits B. 16 bits C. 1024 bits D. 32 bits None Q16. A group of parallel wires which provides electrical path between CPU, memory and other devices is called A.Processing B.BUS C.Input devices D.Software None Q17. The link between I/O devices and system board is provided by A.Main memory B.Secondary memory C.Port D.Communication software None Q18. The peripheral devices used to information for the omputer called A.Simple devices B.Hardware devices C.Output device D.Digital device None Q19. WORM stands for A.Write once read many B.Writable on ROM C.Writer of Random Memory D.Writer of Read only Memory None Q20. Which of the tracks of hard disk does not Fontain data? A.Every track contains data B.The middle track C.Each alternating track of the hard disk D.The top and bottom track None Q21. A single worksheet contains A.65536 columns B.256 columns C.2365 rows D.None None Q22. PC (personal computer) was originally a trade name of A.IBM B.Apple Computers C.Hewlett-Packard D.Remington Rand None Q23. One of the earlier version of BASIC. What does GW stand for? A.Gates, William B.Great Work C.Good Wordprocessor D.Gate Way None Q24. Who created World Wide Web (www)? A. Ward Christensen B. Marcian Hoff C. Tim Berner D. Robert Noyce None Q25. What is the name of the computer virus which originated from Lahore, Pakistan in January 1986 and which can infect only 5.25 inch floppies? A.Den Zuk Virus B.Zero bug virus C.Brain Virus D.Piel virus None Time's upTime is Up!