General Science Quiz Test 1 Start your test Q1. Which animal never drinks water in its entire life? Kangaroo Hippopotamus Rat Kangaroo rat None Q2. What is the physical phase of life called? Protoplasm Cytoplasm Organelles None of the above None Q3. The largest cell is ________________ Nerve Cell Ovum The egg of an Ostrich None of the above None Q4. Which is the largest human cell? Liver Skin Spleen Ovum None Q5. _________________ is the longest cell. Nerve Cell Skin Spleen None of the above None Q6. What is the name of the cells in the body that engulf foreign particles like bacteria? Phagocytes Globulin Fibrinogen Albumin None Q7. There are _____ number of muscles in human. 637 638 639 640 None Q8. What is the life span of RBC? 130 days 110 days 100 days 120 days None Q9. What is the life span of WBC? 2-15 days 3-15 days 4-15 days 5-20 days None Q10. Longes bone in human being body is _____? Humerus Femur Radius Tibia None Q11. The number of ribs in a human body is _________. 22 23 24 25 None Q12. Which is the smallest flightless bird? Kiwi Penguin Ostrich Rhea None Q13. Saurology is the study of ___________. Mosquitoes Snake Lizards Cockroach None Q14. Hormones are produced by _____________ Endocrine glands Pituitary glands Hypothalamus Pancreas None Q15. Which of the following is the master gland? Thymus gland Pancreas Pineal gland Pituitary gland None Q16. What is the full form of ADH? Anti Diuretic Hormone Adhesive Diuretic Hormone Acidic Diuretic Hormone Adenosine Double Hormone None Q17. What is the normal value of blood sugar in the body? 80 to 120mg/100 ml of blood 70 to 120mg/100 ml of blood 90 to 120mg/100 ml of blood 60 to 120mg/100 ml of blood None Q18. Which is the largest blood vessel in the body? Alveoli Artery Aorta Vein None Q19. Which of the following carries impure blood? Pulmonary artery Pulmonary vein Alveoli Aorta None Q20. Who had performed the world‘s first heart transplant? Dr. Venugopal William Harvey Christian Bernard None of the above None Q21. Which of the following is not an allotrope of Carbon? Diamond Graphite Fullerenes Glass None Q22. What is the formula of Sulfuric acid? H2SO4 SO2 Na2SO4 K2SO4 None Q23. How are the following elements arranged in the Periodic table? H, He, Li, Be and B H, He, Li, Be and B H, Li, He, Be and B H, He, Be, Li and B H, Be, He, B and Li None Q24. What is the number of periods in which Periodic table is divided? 6 7 8 9 None Q25. There are __________ Groups in the Periodic table. 15 16 17 18 None Time's upTime is Up!