English Quiz Test 8 Start your test Q1. There is a limit ............. everything in life. to on in with None Q2. Which of the following is called the study of soils? palynology pedology both a & b pelology None Q3. He cogratulated you ......... your promotion. in on of for None Q4. Which of the following is called the study of teaching? patrology pedagogics pedology none of these None Q5. Let us make ......... our differences. on in after up None Q6. Which of the following is called the study of food? bryology brontology bromatology none of these None Q7. Akbar will look ........... my work in my absence. in after with on None Q8. Which of the following is called the study of thunder? brontology dactylology bromatology brylogy None Q9. Aslam has given .......... smoking completely. in after on up None Q10. You ought to abide ........... ths decision. with of by from None Q11. Whch of the following is called the study of early Christianity? pelology pedagogics both a & b patrology None Q12. He came ............ with a brilliant suggestion at the conference. on off out after None Q13. Please attend ......... what I say. to for with off None Q14. Whch of the following is called the study of faith? piscatology phonology paedotophy pisteology None Q15. The jug is full ......... milk. of with in upon None Q16. Which of the following is called the study of knowledge or wisdom? Phraseology Philsophy Both a & b Phonology None Q17. Which of the following is called the study of crime and punishment peristerophily petrology penology none of these None Q18. My wife is good ......... French. in on with at None Q19. A person who feels sorry for a wrong he has done: literate illiterate compunctions overt None Q20. A person who is always looking for a fight: bellicose chivalrous patriot bigot None Q21. The study of rain is called: Oikology Ombrology Olfactology none of these None Q22. This course of action will be prejudicial ............ the interests of our country. in of after with None Q23. That which cannot be attacked or taken by force: pregnable impregnable autopsy anarchy None Q24. Pick the correct word: Vevacious Vivaceous Vivacious Vivasious None Q25. An elderly unmarried woman: Bachelor Adult Spinster Vandal None Time's upTime is Up!