Computer Science Quiz Test 7 Start your test Q1. Which company launched the geostationary communication satellite Telstra? A.Motorola B.VAT and T C.NASA D.Sprint None Q2. In 1969, seven USA universities developed a decentralised network called Arpanet under Advanced Research Project. The network, designed to survive nuclear attack, led to the development of the internet. Who funded Arpanet in 1969? A. NASA B. US Army C. IBM D. CIA None Q3. Which famous computer company was born in a garage at 367, Addison Avenue? A.DEC B.Hewlett Packard C.ABM D.Compaq None Q4. When IBM announced an idea for a new kind of business software, he saw golden opportunity in it and borrowed the idea and turned it into a product before IBM did. Who is he? A.Larry Ellison B.Peter Norton C.Mike Wilson D.Bill Gates None Q5. The term "cyberspace" refers to networked digital environments, especially advanced systems that produce an illusion of reality. Who coined this term? A.Thomas Watson B.Bill Gates C.William Gibson D.Steven Spielberg None Q6. Which personal computer has been named after a popular variety of apples in USA? A.Compaq Presario B.Dell C.Vintron D.Macintosh None Q7. A Terabyte represents about A. 1 quadrillion bytes B. 1 trillion bytes C. 1 billion bytes D. 1 million bytes None Q8. A Digitizer uses a copying device called A. Puck B. Push C. Pop D. Paste None Q9. A bit can be A. 1 and O B. 1 or 0 C. 1 only D. 0 only None Q10. Laser beam technology is used In one of the following A.Monitors B.Magnetic Disk C.Optical Disks D.Mouse None Q11. For printing of large drawings and images we use A.Laser printer Plotter B.Plotter C.Line printer D.Dot matrix printer None Q12. Network topologies are categorized into the following basic types A.Bus, Ring B.Star, Tree C.Mesh D.All of the above None Q13. A network that covers small geographic area or single or group of buildings is called A.WAN B.LAN C.Bridge D.Gateway None Q14. A device which connects multiple nodes to the network is A. A Hub B. A modem C. A repeater D. A router None Q15. What does ISDN stands for? A.International Service Data Network B.International Service Digital Network C.Integrated Service Data Network D.Integrated Service Digital Network None Q16. Which one is not network topology? A.Star B.Ring C.Circle D.Bus None Q17. SNA stands for A.Simple Network Adapter B.System Network Architecture C.System Network Application D.Small Network Application None Q18. SNA is an example of A.De Jure Protocol B.De Facto Protocol C.Network organization D.None None Q19. The most common protocol used in WAN is A. Ethernet B. IEEE C. X.25 D. ISO None Q20. A Search Engine is A. A software to search for engines B. A device search for motor engine C. A website that sells products and services D. A website that look through databases for matching criteria None Q21. Microwave and Communication Satellite are examples f 106 107 (a) (c) (d) 108 Computer A.Guided B.Simplex C.Un-guided D.Router None Q22. The voice channel has a bandwidth of (a) (c) KHz (d) A.0-2 KHz B. 0-4 KHz C. 5-10 KHz D. 10-20 KHz None Q23. Bar Codes symbols are read by bar-code reader by using A.Photoelectric Scanner B.Printer C.Keyboard D.Mouse None Q24. An Electronic Banking is also known A.Cyber—banking B.Commercial banking C.Circular banking D.Credit banking None Q25. OA stands for A.Official Appliance B.Office Automation C.Official Assistant D.None of above None Time's upTime is Up!